black and white bed linen



A person with elaborate face paint and a nature-inspired headpiece poses among foliage. The face paint features intricate blue and gold designs, adding to an ethereal and artistic appearance. The person wears a detailed, net-like garment and large earrings, complementing the natural aesthetic with delicate blend of colors and textures.
A person with elaborate face paint and a nature-inspired headpiece poses among foliage. The face paint features intricate blue and gold designs, adding to an ethereal and artistic appearance. The person wears a detailed, net-like garment and large earrings, complementing the natural aesthetic with delicate blend of colors and textures.


São pinturas feitas em grande escala, com o objetivo de transformar espaços públicos ou privados. Costumam ser feitos direto na parede, criados sob medida para o espaço e fazem parte integrante da arquitetura. O muralismo tem raízes profundas na história da arte e serve também como meio educacional, social e político, além de ser uma forma de embelezamento do ambiente.

Na arte o print é uma impressão da arte original, que pode ser manual ou digital. Em alguns casos os prints podem ser limitados, por isso, além da assinatura original ele vem com o número de série e o limite de impressões, ex: 1/50 quer dizer que a arte tem um limite de 50 cópias no mundo, sendo aquela a número 1. Aqui você encontra prints com edições limitadas, de obras autorais e pintadas a mão, impressas em papel canson 180g e editadas para ficarem com um resultado fiel ao original.


Pinturas originais

São pinturas em madeira de pinus no tamanho 20cm x 20cm de diâmetro circular, possuem uma alça em couro sintético para pendurar na parede. São pintadas com aquarela ou acrílica, com motivos que variam entre natureza e movimento, elas dão um toque de aconchego e originalidade ao ambiente. As composições são autênticas e contrastam força e simplicidade.

Pintura em madeira retângular

A woman with dark hair and green eye makeup partially hidden behind large green leaves. She has several white dots painted under her eye, and the background is a soft, out-of-focus white. The composition creates a feeling of intimacy and connection with nature.
A woman with dark hair and green eye makeup partially hidden behind large green leaves. She has several white dots painted under her eye, and the background is a soft, out-of-focus white. The composition creates a feeling of intimacy and connection with nature.

Pintura em madeira redonda

As pinturas em madeira retangular são pintadas em tábuas de pinus com tinta acrílica. Os tamanhos variam entre 40 cm e 60 cm de comprimento e aproximadamente 30 cm de largura. As pinturas em madeira começaram quando eu encontrei uma tábua de madeira em um vale no cerrado e a levei comigo para pintar. Aquela matéria orgânica descartada deu forma a um rosto de mulher e em seguida várias séries de pinturas em madeira surgiram. Hoje eu não encontro as madeiras nos vales, mas o vale sempre estará nelas.

Os originais são obras de arte físicas, únicas e feitas a mão. São as pinturas no seu marco zero. Nas minhas pinturas eu trabalho com tinta acrílica, aquarela, colagem e técnicas mistas. As superfícies geralmente usadas são: papel canson 300g, madeira ou tela. As pinturas em tela são feitas sob encomenda. Toda a pintura que eu produzo originalmente, mesmo inspirada no modelo anterior é uma pintura nova, feitas exclusivamente para uma pessoa no mundo!

Arte Feminina

Minha jornada como artista visual é inspirada pela beleza da natureza e pela essência feminina.

Exploro a conexão entre arte e natureza.


Trabalho Artístico

Caminho da Sol

2020 - Presente

Desenvolvo projetos que refletem a harmonia entre o feminino e o natural.

Projetos Recentes


2021 - 2023

Participei de exposições que celebram a arte e a natureza em conjunto.

A woman with elaborate makeup and nail art is portrayed amidst a dense, barren forest setting. Her face is painted with dark shades and textures, and her nails feature similarly styled art. She wears a textured, dark garment and her hair is adorned with twigs or small branches, enhancing the natural, earthy atmosphere.
A woman with elaborate makeup and nail art is portrayed amidst a dense, barren forest setting. Her face is painted with dark shades and textures, and her nails feature similarly styled art. She wears a textured, dark garment and her hair is adorned with twigs or small branches, enhancing the natural, earthy atmosphere.

Galeria de Arte

Explore obras que capturam a beleza da natureza e feminilidade.

A mosaic of a woman surrounded by vibrant flowers, intricately crafted with stones and earthy materials. She holds a flower in her hands, and her serene expression conveys a sense of calm and beauty.
A mosaic of a woman surrounded by vibrant flowers, intricately crafted with stones and earthy materials. She holds a flower in her hands, and her serene expression conveys a sense of calm and beauty.
A woman with long wavy hair appears with a blurred, artistic double-exposure effect. Her expression is serene and contemplative. The background is softly out of focus, emphasizing a warm, earthy tone. She wears a dark garment adorned with a vivid red embellishment.
A woman with long wavy hair appears with a blurred, artistic double-exposure effect. Her expression is serene and contemplative. The background is softly out of focus, emphasizing a warm, earthy tone. She wears a dark garment adorned with a vivid red embellishment.
A stylized painting features a woman with long braided hair, seated and facing a cocoon-like structure on a branch. She is dressed in a traditional outfit with a blue and red ensemble. Surrounding her are vivid orange leaves and a textured blue background, giving the scene a dreamlike quality. The cocoon contains a curled figure, and the setting includes a tree with a grid-like wooden structure.
A stylized painting features a woman with long braided hair, seated and facing a cocoon-like structure on a branch. She is dressed in a traditional outfit with a blue and red ensemble. Surrounding her are vivid orange leaves and a textured blue background, giving the scene a dreamlike quality. The cocoon contains a curled figure, and the setting includes a tree with a grid-like wooden structure.
A painting with an ethereal quality portrays a woman’s face partially submerged, with intricate patterns and delicate lines extending upward from her head. Her hair is covered in multicolored spots, complementing the deep blues and blacks in the background.
A painting with an ethereal quality portrays a woman’s face partially submerged, with intricate patterns and delicate lines extending upward from her head. Her hair is covered in multicolored spots, complementing the deep blues and blacks in the background.
An artistic illustration featuring a central figure, possibly a woman, surrounded by flowing abstract shapes in vibrant orange and red hues. A bird is depicted in the scene, and the background is filled with imaginative design elements. The setting includes lush green grass and scattered brown leaves.
An artistic illustration featuring a central figure, possibly a woman, surrounded by flowing abstract shapes in vibrant orange and red hues. A bird is depicted in the scene, and the background is filled with imaginative design elements. The setting includes lush green grass and scattered brown leaves.
A vibrant mural featuring a woman's face with long, flowing hair that transforms into ocean waves, dotted with phrases like 'beauty of the wild' and 'be with me.' The backdrop is a starry night sky with celestial bodies, including a galaxy and a planet. A streetlamp stands in the foreground.
A vibrant mural featuring a woman's face with long, flowing hair that transforms into ocean waves, dotted with phrases like 'beauty of the wild' and 'be with me.' The backdrop is a starry night sky with celestial bodies, including a galaxy and a planet. A streetlamp stands in the foreground.